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Meet Macarena Sanz, IDConsortium’s Managing Director!
We are pleased to introduce our Managing Director, Macarena Sanz. She has been shaping IDConsortium’s future and building its vision in the last few years and continues to lead the company’s successes and goals.
Macarena Sanz received her Agricultural Engineer degree from University Politécnica in Madrid and her Executive Master in Business Administration from IESE in Madrid.
Her working life began at Accenture where she worked as a consultant. After almost 5 years of working in international consulting on projects for clients such as EADS and BP, she joined the IDAction team and founded IDConsortium. The main motivation to take this leap was to bring interesting international projects like the ones she had experienced in Accenture to Andalusia (her homeland). Within the first 3 years, she won 2 relevant European projects for the region, Fertiplus, and Fuel4ME. Now, Macarena is the managing director of IDConsortium.
She is a mother of two amazing children of 4 and 6 years old and her family is her passion and number one priority in her spare time. She also has several hobbies such as swimming, Easter week in Seville, skiing, gardening, flamenco dancing, reading, traveling, photography, playing guitar, and going to the cinema.
Visit her LinkedIn page for more information: click here
About IDConsortium
IDConsortium is a consultancy firm founded in Seville, Spain, in 2009 with the aim of helping researchers and businesses to internationalise and showcase their R&D by joining international consortiums to pursue different lines of research, development, and innovation. The firm is an offshoot of IDAction S.L., a company with a wide range of experience in managing R&D, innovation, and investment projects. We help promote clusters and sectorial organizations reach their potential at a national and international level. With our experience and involvement in various international innovation projects, we provide strategic advice in the following areas: Industrial Biotechnology, Advanced production systems in Agriculture, Livestock and Aquaculture based on Industry 4.0., and Innovative systems while promoting an active, healthy, and sustainable aging.
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Sesiones de Formación sobre el Programa I3
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Nuestra directora Macarena Sanz presenta en jornada de Invest in Madrid
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