LIFE – The LIFE+ program is the EU’s financial instrument supporting the EU’s Green Deal’s objectives

Through policy driven actions related to environmental, nature conservation and climate projects.


What is LIFE+?

Since 1992 LIFE funded more than five thousand projects supporting Nature conservation, Circular Economy and Clean Energy future.

The LIFE programme 2021-2027 has a budget of €5.4 billion and is divided into four subprogrammes as follows:

  1. Nature and biodiversity
  2. Circular economy and quality of life
  3. Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  4. Clean energy transition
IDConsortium Program LIFE 01

The aim of the subprogram “Nature and biodiversity“ is to protect species and their habitats by expanding, nurturing and preserving nature for a sustainable and balanced future.

The focus of the subprogram “Circular economy and quality of life” is on waste as a resource that needs proper management to provide for crucial raw materials and safe environment. Specific topics include air, water, soil, noise, chemicals and the new European Bauhaus.

In subprogram “Climate change mitigation and adaptation” particular attention is given to ozone-depletion, carbon sinks, nature-based solutions in the management of land, coasts and marine areas by predicting, preventing and mitigating the climate change effects. It also includes adapting cities and regions for extreme weather events.

The subprogram “Clean energy transition” is dedicated to energy efficiency and renewables with the aim to ease the transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and resilient economy. A specific goal is to remove the market barriers that can hamper the socio-economic transition to sustainable energy.

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