It is essential to correctly understand the difference between these concepts in order to apply them when writing a proposal. Coherence is the key to a successful European innovation proposal. Therefore we believe that having tools and methodologies to identify 1) Objectives, 2) Activities, 3) Expected Results, 4) Outcomes and 5) Expected Impacts, can help to clearly improve the quality of our proposal.

Below we show you the methodology that we follow in IDConsortium to identify these points in the in our proposals.

The graph below shows graphically what would be the exploitation roadmap of an innovation project and temporally situates the results, outcomes and expected impacts.


  • Result –

            Output is defined as the “number of products or services produced by a business, industry, or country in a specific time period, whether spent or utilised for further production.”

Output is the final result of an economic process that uses inputs to create a product or service that is offered for sale or usage elsewhere. In the context of Horizon Europe, an output are the expected results from the activities implemented from the project.

When defining the expected results in a proposal, we recommend to analyze per WP and per partner the expected results at the end of the project and their exploitation strategy per task or if it is not possible per WP.  The following table may help them to identify possible project results and their exploitation strategies:

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 (for more information on potential exploitation strategies, see the article “IP Exploitation Strategy“).

  • Outcome –

            The expected effects, over the medium term, of projects supported under a given topic. The results of a project should contribute to these outcomes, fostered in particular by the dissemination and exploitation measures. This may include the uptake, diffusion, deployment, and/or use of the project’s results by direct target groups. Outcomes generally occur during or shortly after the end of the project.

  • Expected Impact –

The expected impacts are the effects, expected to be positive, that the innovation project can have if the results and outcomes of the project are sustained and exploited in industry and society in the long term. These effects can be technological, social, environmental, and economic.

We recommend trying to link these expected impacts with initiatives and strategies implemented at a more local or international level. For example, at a regional level we recommend to link the expected impacts with regional policies or initiatives such as the Smart Specialisation Strategies.  At global level it is very interesting to assess the impact in relation with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The table below may help you in your project to identify outcomes and expected impacts.

IDConsortium - Impact

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