How to register your company on the European Commission’s portal

To register your organisation in the Funding & tender opportunities portal , you will need to provide basic administrative and legal information, in addition to contact details.


1. Get ready

Since the declared information will be verified against supporting documents later on, it is useful to have the relevant documents at hand when you complete the registration, to make sure you fill in everything correctly (legal form, non-profit, public/private, etc.)


2. Check for already existing PIC

In order to avoid creating duplicate PICs, you should first check whether your organisation (or another department) is already registered in the Portal and use that PIC.

Go to How to Participate > Participant Register > Search a PIC > Search a PIC and put in your organisation data.


3. If no PIC is registered, start registration

Go to How to Participate > Participant Register > Register your organisation. The Registration wizard will guide you step-by-step through the process.

Detailed explanations are available in the image2021 2 5 12 16 34.

You do not need to complete the registration process in a single session. You can enter some information, save it and continue later on. To resume your registration, go to My Organisations > Continue Registration. Incomplete draft registrations are automatically deleted after one year.


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