Horizon Europe is a developed version of Horizon 2020.


  • The decrease in the number of pages in the Horizon Europe proposal template is one of the most significant modifications. In comparison to the previous Horizon 2020 programme, project applicants will now have 45 pages to outline their proposal in depth, compared to 70 pages in the previous Horizon 2020 programme. As a result, certain portions of the plan have been consolidated to make it shorter. The sections “Objectives” and “Ambition,” for example, have been consolidated into a single 4-page part.
  • In seven years, Horizon Europe will deliver €97.6 billion for research and innovation projects: an overall increase of almost 30% compared to Horizon 2020.
  • Horizon Europe will be organised around three pillars that largely correspond to the H2020 objectives and scopes.
  • Excellent Science vs. Open Science: Changes to Pillar 1 – The pillar of ‘Future and Emerging Technologies’ (FET) has been abolished and distributed among the other two.
  • Changes to Pillar 2: Societal vs Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness – The primary distinction is the addition of so-called Missions, which are comparable to H2020 FET flagship projects but with specific challenges aimed at aggressively influencing society and policy-making for a large portion of Europe.
  • Changes to Pillar 3: Industrial Leadership vs. Open Innovation – The focus is on stimulating and supporting market-creating breakthrough ideas.
  • Several activities are planned for the horizontal pillar – The initiatives are in support of these three pillars, which are to increase involvement and reform/improve present systems.
  • Demonstration of effect of EU-Funded R&I initiatives was an important part of H2020, but it will be even more important under Horizon Europe.
  • Currently, H2020 membership is confined to nations that are physically near to Europe, and third-country involvement has declined by half in H2020 compared to FP7. Horizon Europe is intended to broaden the partnership to include all nations with strong R&I capabilities. The goal is for EU members to be able to collaborate with the brightest minds on the planet.





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