ACTTiVAte Evaluation Committee Meeting

ACTTiVAte Evaluation Committee Meeting

NEWS | ACTTiVAte > ACTTiVAte Evaluation Committee Meeting Brussels, 24-25 october 2017. Final results will be published the first week of November. IDConsortium If you have submitted a proposal and would like to review its status you may click here. The selected...
ACTTiVAte project at INNOSUP-1 KOM

ACTTiVAte project at INNOSUP-1 KOM

NEWS | ACTTiVAte > ACTTiVAte project at INNOSUP-1 KOM On September 12th and 13th 2016, several representatives from the ACTTiVAte project attended the INNOSUP-1 Kick Off Meeting held in Brussels by EASME. IDConsortium The meeting successfully served to set...