LIFE AgRemSO3il in the EIP-AGRI of the European Commission

LIFE AgRemSO3il in the EIP-AGRI of the European Commission

NEWS | LIFE AgRemSO3il > LIFE AgRemSO3il in the EIP-AGRI of the European Commission Information about the AgRemSO3il project has been published in the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) of the European Commission. IDConsortium Click on the following link if...
LIFE AgRemSO3il at LIFE-EMPORE workshop

LIFE AgRemSO3il at LIFE-EMPORE workshop

NEWS | LIFE AgRemSO3il > LIFE AgRemSO3il at LIFE-EMPORE workshop Members of the LIFE-AgRemSO3il project were present at the workshop “TRATAMIENTO Y ELIMINACIÓN DE CONTAMINANTES EMERGENTES EN EFLUENTES DE ESTACIONES DEPURADORAS URBANAS”, held on 12th February at...
Preliminary experiments with AgRemSO3il small prototype

Preliminary experiments with AgRemSO3il small prototype

NEWS | LIFE AgRemSO3il > Preliminary experiments with AgRemSO3il small prototype On August 2018, soil decontamination tests began on a greenhouse located in IMIDA facilities, Murcia. IDConsortium In this initial stage, several treatments were conducted in two...