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Intellectual Property (IP) in Europe: new publication by the European IPR helpdesk
IDConsortium provides advice and support for clients in the development and implementation of strategies for the monetization and exploitation of technology and intangible assets.
Intellectual Property (IP) in Europe: New Publication by the European IPR Helpdesk © European IPR Helpdesk In order to provide a compact and clear-cut collection of answers to some of the main IP issues often faced by SMEs, the European IPR Helpdesk has released their new guide “IP in Europe”. The new publication has been developed on the basis of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) submitted by users through the European IPR Helpdesk website and Helpline. Each section is dedicated to one specific IP right; covering essential aspects around its regulation in Europe as well as some additional questions the European IPR Helpdesk team experienced to be important to SMEs.The PDF version can be downloaded here.
IDConsortium provides advice and support for clients in the development and implementation of strategies for the monetization and exploitation of technology and intangible assets.
Our services include:
- Valuation of intangible assets.
- Auditing of industrial and intellectual property portfolios.
- “Technology scouting” – development of technological maps, competitive analysis of technologies, identification of emerging technologies.
- Consultancy in industrial and intellectual property management.
- Development of policy for industrial property management and know-how management.
- Advice on technology transfer.
- Due diligence in technological transactions.
- Definition of strategies for protection, collaboration, exploitation, defence, and internationalization of intangible assets.
- Advice on management of industrial and intellectual property in R&D+i projects and in collaborative environments.
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