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The SMEBOOK Platform: The networking solution for technology-based companies
Find the most suitable partners to boost your business potential.
After several months of hard work, we are glad to present SMEBOOK platform: A business-intelligence-based platform providing tech companies with tailored recommendations to find the best partners and interplay with supporting entities.
IDConsortium participates in this new project led by Q4i Consulting.
The SMEBOOK platform has been devised as a “social venue” for technology-based tech companies, with the intention to promote collaboration towards a fruitful partnership in terms of innovation. SMEBOOK’s major assets are:
- An insightful characterization and parametrization of key features of the client company (value chain, business model, etc.),
- The use of proprietary algorithms able to provide a pool of tailored partners for each client
- Connection through directed interactions between identified matching companies, that is, automatic recommendations based on an accurate compatibility rank.
The main goal of the platform is to foster innovation among companies by exploiting the predictive classification power of a smart matchmaking layer that will evolve (learn) over time.
Take advantage of the time-limited offer for the first entities that join the project!
More news about this company:
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