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IDConsortium general news

IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news

IDConsortium general news

Commissioner Carlos Moedas presents Horizon Europe

ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) is the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe. It is dedicated to scientific research and innovation and offers a unique framework for interaction and debate for scientists, innovators, policy makers, business people and the general public.

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European Innovation Scoreboard 2018

The 2018 edition of the Scoreboard highlights that the EU’s innovation performance continues to improve, that progress is accelerating, and that the outlook is positive.

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European Innovation Council pilot supports 257 SMEs

The EU will support 257 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 31 countries who aim to get their innovations faster to the market. Spain is the country in which the European Union will support more SMEs: 45.

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IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news

CHIC vs. Covid-19

In CHIC we join the fight against coronavirus and want to research whether compounds from the root of chicory can be developed into drugs against the virus. We are looking for research partners to test this activity. If you need more information, please write us through our contact form.

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Biotechnology from the Blue Flower

Artists Anna Dumitriu and Alex May are working with CHIC Consortium members to develop a new sculptural and bio-digital installation entitled “Biotechnology from the Blue Flower” and will be spending time on site with consortium members over the life of the project.

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Māori tribes, or “Iwi”, are well integrated into modern society but generally retain very strong links to their traditional land and communities. Those that have remained rural, have been very reliant on agricultural and forestry for their livelihoods.

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Commercial exploitation of chicory as a multipurpose crop

The aim of WP8 is to collect and analyse the information gathered from other WPs and finally to develop two strong business cases for NPBT chicory, where the other one is related to dietary fibre and the other for bioactive terpenes. Important dietary fibre component in chicory is inulin, which for example promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

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AFTERTASTE project - Our artists Jill Scoot and Marille Hahne during 2019 have made several visits to our research partners to lay the foundations of their artistic project.

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IDConsortium, the consulting “boutique” that turns ideas into innovative products and services. Their main objective is to turn research initiatives into R&D projects and look for the best partners for their clients.


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We assist our customers through the entire innovation project management cycle, from the idea to the commercial product.