CHIC – Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes

CHIC explores the interactions between technological potential and societal acceptance of modern plant breeding.


What is CHIC?

Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes (CHIC) is a research and innovation project supported through the EU Horizon 2020 funding programme.

The €7.3 million project supports the establishment of a responsible innovation pathway for the development and application of New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) for chicory as a multipurpose crop for the production of high-value consumer products, in line with societal needs and concerns. The consortium includes SMEs, an industrial partner, non-profit organizations and research institutes from 11 European countries and one from New Zealand.

Program: H2020 - Call BIOTEC07-2017

New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) in molecular farming: Multipurpose crops for industrial bioproducts
IDConsortium Project CHIC 01

Latest News:

IDConsortium News Chic exploitation dissemination communication update bg 01
Exploitation, dissemination and communication update

Exploitation, dissemination and communication update

CHIC is the Chicory Innovation Consortium. The project’s main objectives are 1) to implement New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) in chicory in order to establish it as a multipurpose crop for the production of health-related products with clear benefits for consumers, and 2) to develop co-innovation pathways with stakeholders for game-changing technologies, such as NPBTs.

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IDConsortium News Chic commercial exploitation chicory multipurpose crop updates bg 01
Commercial exploitation of chicory as a multipurpose crop updates

Commercial exploitation of chicory as a multipurpose crop updates

CHIC is the Chicory Innovation Consortium. The project’s main objectives are 1) to implement New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) in chicory in order to establish it as a multipurpose crop for the production of health-related products with clear benefits for consumers, and 2) to develop co-innovation pathways with stakeholders for game-changing technologies, such as NPBTs.

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IDConsortium News Chic stakeholder engagement update bg 01
Stakeholder engagement update

Stakeholder engagement update

CHIC is the Chicory Innovation Consortium. The project’s main objectives are 1) to implement New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) in chicory in order to establish it as a multipurpose crop for the production of health-related products with clear benefits for consumers, and 2) to develop co-innovation pathways with stakeholders for game-changing technologies, such as NPBTs.

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IDConsortium News Chic socioeconomic environmental impacts value chain update bg 01
Socio-economic and environmental impacts on the whole value chain update

Socio-economic and environmental impacts on the whole value chain update

CHIC is the Chicory Innovation Consortium. The project’s main objectives are 1) to implement New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) in chicory in order to establish it as a multipurpose crop for the production of health-related products with clear benefits for consumers, and 2) to develop co-innovation pathways with stakeholders for game-changing technologies, such as NPBTs.

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IDConsortium News Chic technical risk regulatory assessment NPBTs update bg 01
Technical and risk and regulatory assessment of NPBTs update

Technical and risk and regulatory assessment of NPBTs update

CHIC is the Chicory Innovation Consortium. The project’s main objectives are 1) to implement New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs) in chicory in order to establish it as a multipurpose crop for the production of health-related products with clear benefits for consumers, and 2) to develop co-innovation pathways with stakeholders for game-changing technologies, such as NPBTs.

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54 months


7.3 millions €


Our partners of CHIC consortium

IDConsortium Project CHIC WUR
IDConsortium Project CHIC FEM
IDConsortium Project CHIC TuGraz
IDConsortium Project CHIC IBET
IDConsortium Project CHIC UniversiteLille
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IDConsortium Project CHIC JOANNEUM
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IDConsortium Project CHIC JKI
IDConsortium Project CHIC Sensus
IDConsortium Project CHIC IDconsortium