European and international projects

We promote the dynamization and internationalization of clusters and sectorial organizations in national and international scope.


About the projects in which IDConsortium participates:

Due to our experience and involvement in various international innovation projects we can provide strategic advice in the following areas: Industrial Biotechnology, Advanced production systems in Agriculture, Livestock and Aquaculture based on Industry 4.0, Innovative systems and practices to promote active, healthy and sustainable ageing.

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Finished projects with the participation of IDConsortium:


IDConsortium - Projects (TEDS4BEE)


TEDS4BEE - Ensayo de Servicios Digitales para la Eficiencia Energética de Edificios  IDConsortium What is TEDS4BEE? TEDS4BEE aimed to run a Digital Service in the 16 buildings located in 5...

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IDConsortium - Projects (PRECIMED)


PRECIMED - Precision Irrigation Management to Improve Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in the Mediterranean Region IDConsortium What is PRECIMED ? In the Mediterranean Regions, large areas are...

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IDConsortium - Projects (PRINCE)
Hypor – PRINCE

Hypor – PRINCE

PRINCE - Desarrollo de una PRoducción porcina más sostenible a través de la mejora del ÍNdice de ConvErsión IDConsortium What is PRINCE? According to the State Programme of R+D+i Oriented to the...

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We assist our customers through the entire innovation project management cycle, from the idea to the commercial product.