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CHIC project at the science programme FUTURIS

On Monday, 14th October 2019, the science programme FUTURIS, from the Euronews channel, made a documentary about the CHIC project.


They made several interviews to some of our partners and they also explained the benefits of implementing new plant breeding techniques, in chicory breeding, to convert it into a multipurpose crop and to obtain high value products for consumers’ health benefits.

On the other hand, our project coordinator, Dirk Bosch had a special interview in the Euronews Bonus Section. He provided detailed information about why we selected chicory as a promising and a strong crop to be converted into a multipurpose one.

The documentary has been translated into 12 languages and we want to thank the FUTURIS team for guiding us during the filming process and for bringing such a nice result.


Enjoy the documentary!

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