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IDConsortium general news
IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news
IDConsortium general news
Convocatoria Transmisiones 2024
El objetivo del programa TransMisiones, del CDTI, es abordar retos para la sociedad y la economía españolas en áreas como energía, sostenibilidad, cambio climático y salud humana y animal.
Macarena Sanz presents the progress of European funding in deep tech innovation led by women
IDConsortium’s general director, Macarena Sanz, delivered an insightful presentation on funding opportunities for women entrepreneurs in deep tech, organized by EEN Madrid.
Job Offer: Senior Innovation Consultants
We are looking for experienced Senior Innovation Consultants to strengthen our proposal writing services. Become part of our dynamic team.
CDTI Innovación avanza en la definición de los desafíos para la próxima convocatoria de Misiones Ciencia e Innovación
El Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) avanza en la definición de los retos para la próxima convocatoria de Misiones Ciencia e Innovación, programada para junio de 2024.
Análisis Comparativo: Sistemas de Subvenciones (Estados Unidos) vs. Programas de Financiación (Europa)
Los sistemas de subvenciones (EE. UU.) y los programas de financiamiento (UE) son mecanismos vitales para financiar la investigación, la innovación y las iniciativas que abordan desafíos sociales críticos.
Convocatoria Eurostars: Impulsando la Innovación de las PYMEs Europeas
Eurostars, parte de la “Asociación Europea de Pymes Innovadoras”, es una iniciativa cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través de Horizonte Europa.
A Comparative Analysis: Grants Systems in the United States vs. Funding Programs in Europe
Grants systems (USA) and Funding Programs (EU) are vital mechanisms for funding research, innovation, and initiatives addressing critical societal challenges.
Proyecto Women TechEU Anuncia Convocatoria Abierta para Financiación en 2024
El proyecto Women TechEU ha lanzado su Open Call #1, ofreciendo una oportunidad única para que empresas aseguren financiación y apoyo para sus proyectos relacionados con la tecnología.
CBE JU Hosts Info Day 2024 to guide potential project applicants
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is set to host its much-anticipated Info Day 2024, offering valuable insights into the upcoming call for project proposals and fostering networking opportunities among potential applicants.
CDTI Innovación lanza nueva convocatoria NEOTEC 2024 para startups tecnológicas innovadoras
La convocatoria Neotec 2024 está reforzada por el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia financiado con los fondos NextGenerationEU del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia de la Unión Europea.
IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news
TNO’s Rian Visser pioneers clean carbon solutions
In a groundbreaking endeavor towards sustainable carbon solutions, Rian Visser has been leading innovative research at TNO, the Dutch organization for applied scientific research.
Interreg NEXT MED Programme Launches Its First Call for Proposals
The European Union is thrilled to announce the initiation of the first call for proposals under the esteemed Interreg NEXT MED Programme.
PRIMA: Multi-Topics
PRIMA announces a new call for proposals focusing on multiple thematic areas within the nexus of water management, farming systems, and the agri-food value chain.
Developing Cost-effective and Sustainable Technologies for Mediterranean Food Systems to Decrease Food Loss and Waste
The objective is to decrease food loss and waste (FLW), a critical challenge amplified by demographic growth, climate change, and global disruptions. This call aligns with the Innovation Action (IA) category.
Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean Dry Farming Systems Using Water Harvesting Techniques
This call focuses on employing water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought conditions in arid and semi-arid environments, aligning with Innovation Action (IA) guidelines.
Sustainability of Mediterranean Irrigated Agriculture through the Implementation of WEFE Nexus Approach
This call, categorized as an Innovation Action (IA), aims to foster the development of innovative solutions to enhance the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean region by applying the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach.
First Booster-supported paper successfully published
Breakthrough study unveils plant gene regulatory networks (GRNs) with MINI-AC method.
RUSTICA visit to Biobest and the Centre of Expertise Sustainable Biomass and Chemistry
On January 2024, the RUSTICA consortium organized a visit to Biobest and the Centre of Expertise Sustainable Biomass and Chemistry of Thomas More.
RUSTICA unveils innovative solutions in Vegepolys Valley conference
RUSTICA partner Céline Marjolet from the Chamber of Agriculture of Pays de la Loire presented the Rustica project during an online conference.
Urgent scientific advances for Spanish agriculture: Genetic editing proposal under debate in the EU
The European Union faces a crucial decision on the use of plants developed with New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) in agriculture before the upcoming elections.
IDConsortium, the consulting “boutique” that turns ideas into innovative products and services. Their main objective is to turn research initiatives into R&D projects and look for the best partners for their clients.