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News & Pressroom

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IDConsortium general news

IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news

IDConsortium general news

Convocatoria Transmisiones 2024

El objetivo del programa TransMisiones, del CDTI, es abordar retos para la sociedad y la economía españolas en áreas como energía, sostenibilidad, cambio climático y salud humana y animal.

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IDConsortium - Convocatoria Transmisiones 2024 CDTI

IDConsortium projects & funding programmes news

PRIMA: Multi-Topics

PRIMA announces a new call for proposals focusing on multiple thematic areas within the nexus of water management, farming systems, and the agri-food value chain.

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IDConsortium - Prima Calls - Multi-topics



IDConsortium, the consulting “boutique” that turns ideas into innovative products and services. Their main objective is to turn research initiatives into R&D projects and look for the best partners for their clients.


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We assist our customers through the entire innovation project management cycle, from the idea to the commercial product.